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Taking care of your Money Tree + [ Video ]

Symbolism: Good Luck, Good Fortune

Bonsai Money Tree AKA : Pachira Tre

  • Light/ Location: The money tree likes indirect sunlight. So it is good to keep it in a place where there is low light.  If your plants begin to yellow, it needs a little bit of more light.
  • Water: Water your money tree when you see the top part of the soil dry. Normally you should do it once a week. The inside should be moist. Try to have it in a planter with drainage or add some stones at the bottom to create it.
  • Trim: The Money tree does not require regular pruning however if you see some yellow or brown leaves you should remove them.
  • Re-pot: Normally a container planted money tree will need re-potting every two years. If you want it to grow bigger, then go for a bigger container to give the roots space to grow. If you want to keep it midget as a bonsai then only give it fresh new soil and change it to a similar sized container. This plant if it is kept in its natural environment it can grow up to 60 feet, but it is a very popular house plant and easy to take care of.