Fountain by Bertrand Lavier 2014 at the Serpentine Sackler Gallery

Commissioned by The Serpentine Gallery, Lavier creates a playful fountain made out of garden hoses

Commissioned by The Serpentine Gallery, Bertrand Lavier has crafted a charming fountain using garden hoses. In this imaginative project, Lavier showcases his unique ability to turn everyday items into art, challenging traditional notions of artistic expression.

The Serpentine Gallery, renowned for its commitment to innovative contemporary art, entrusted Lavier with the task of conceptualizing a fountain that goes beyond the ordinary. Lavier, known for his unconventional and humorous approach to art, embraced the opportunity to create something truly distinctive.

The garden hose fountain serves as a manifestation of Lavier's artistic vision, where ordinary objects are transformed into pieces of art. The decision to use garden hoses as the primary medium adds an element of surprise and playfulness, elevating a commonplace item into a dynamic and captivating installation.

The sound of water flowing through the hoses not only contributes to the overall sensory experience but also invites visitors to engage with the installation on a deeper level. The interplay of water, light, and the unconventional choice of materials creates an immersive atmosphere, turning The Serpentine Gallery into a whimsical space that blurs the boundaries between art and the everyday.

Bertrand Lavier's fountain stands as a testament to the transformative power of artistic innovation, where the familiar becomes extraordinary. Through this playful creation, Lavier encourages viewers to reconsider their perceptions of art, fostering a sense of wonder and delight in the midst of a contemporary art space. For The Serpentine Gallery, known for pushing artistic boundaries, Lavier's fountain adds a touch of whimsy and creativity to its already distinguished collection of installations.


About Bertrand Lavier

Bertrand Lavier, a renowned contemporary artist, gained widespread acclaim with a significant retrospective at the Centre Pompidou in Paris in 2012. Explore his diverse artistic journey through this retrospective, offering a comprehensive look at Lavier's innovative and multifaceted career.

Lavier's global footprint extends to international projects, such as his participation in the 2011 exhibition "En rΓ©sonance avec la Biennale d’art Contemporain de Lyon" at the MusΓ©e d’Art Moderne de St Etienne, France. This exhibition showcases Lavier's ability to resonate with contemporary art movements, transcending cultural and artistic boundaries.

In 2010, Lavier made notable contributions with projects like "Afternoon at Tsum" in Moscow and an exhibition at the Hermes Museum in Seoul, Korea. These ventures highlight his international acclaim and the compelling universality of his artworks.

A pivotal moment in Lavier's career occurred in 2008 when his work was featured at the MusΓ©e d’Orsay in Paris in the exhibition "MusΓ©e Correspondances. Bertrand Lavier/Edouard Manet." This exhibition juxtaposed Lavier's contemporary creations with the iconic works of Edouard Manet, showcasing his ability to engage in meaningful artistic dialogues across different periods and styles.

Bertrand Lavier's diverse body of work reflects his commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and engaging in dynamic conversations with both historical and contemporary art. His international exhibitions and retrospectives at renowned institutions underscore the enduring impact and relevance of his contributions to the global art scene. Explore the artistic legacy of Bertrand Lavier, a visionary whose work continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

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